Café Amblers July 12th – 14th: ‘Old Peculier Run’ to Masham N Yorks.

A quick reminder and final call for next months ‘Old Peculier Run’ there is still time for those wishing to come along to do so. Full details in the events section, if you are wanting to come along or if you any questions then please just drop me a note.

Thus far we have 15 people signed up, they are:-
Ged Tellwright, Cat Tellwright, Vic Stevenson, Carol Stevenson, James Lynch, Stuart McCarthy, Kevin Alderson, Sharon Anderson, Ian Anderson, John Thomson, Lyne Thomson, Bernie McGlaughlin, Rob Ayre, Tracy Tordai

If I have missed anyone then please let me know!

The Old Peculier Run is a a fabulous weekend of riding based in the home of Yorkshire brewing, Masham, the home of T&R Theakston and the Black Sheep Breweries. Masham is the very essence of a Yorkshire Dales market town, from the rich and gentle landscape that surrounds it to the busy market square lined with independent businesses.

After a leisurely amble (this is the Café Amblers after all!) down to Masham on the Friday The Saturday run out takes us through the magnificent Yorkshire Dales where there are some of the best roads in the country! A full days riding taking in the best that the Dales has to offer.

Key Information
Travel: This is a Friday – Sunday event so we will be looking to travel down as a group during the day Friday, those wishing can obviously just join us afterwork in Masham Friday evening.
Accommodation: We will be eating at and leaving from the Kings Head Hotel, which is in the square in the centre of Masham, so most tend to stay here however there is other accommodation in the town if you want to go your own way that’s fine, but please let me know.
Booking: All bookings to be done individually.
Please confirm to me if you are coming and where you will be staying so I can confirm numbers:

Posted in Cafe Amblers, News.