AGM 2023
TOMCC North East England AGM 2023
17th January 2023
Attendance: Mark Lamb, Dave Tate, Clive Bell, Ged Tellwright, Keith Pattison, Barbara Callaghan, Iain Inglis, Graeme Haswell, John Knott, Neil Elders, Graeme Henderson, Victor Stephenson, Simon Platten, Dave Harding, Mark Loftus, Ian Anderson, Sharon Anderson, Keith Amiss, Tim Hulley, Andrew Richards.
Welcome from Mark Lamb and an introduction for the AGM agenda via a on screen presentation
⦁ Committee Statements.
Dave Tate, Membership Secretary
Full members as from 31st December 2022 166, Associate members 8, total 174
Renewals 83%
2 new members for 2023, Paul Mills from Kelso and Adam Burns from Sunderland.
Recent transfer from Manchester branch, Tim Hulley.
Unfortunate passing of 2 members, Jim McGhie and Howard Williams. Jim McGhie is still on the membership list. This is because Jim’s wife contacted TOMCC head office to request this, as she likes to keep up to date with TOMCC reading the Nacelle magazine. Also noted at this stage, include a Jim and Howard in the next Nacelle write up at the end of January (Keith Pattison to action this).
Dave mentioned that during committee meetings, it has been brought up how do we know/ find out if a member has passed away. There is no real time of finding this out. It can take between 2-3 months via head office due to several circumstances. The committee are to continue with this subject.
Dave continued to inform members attending club performance info of the 61 branches.
Best performing branch of 2022 is Milton Keynes. 127 new members with a total of 323, up by 22%.
Worst performing branch is Tennessee Valley, USA. 5 new members, only 18 renewals, totalling 23, down -20%.
Worst UK branch, South Hants (wherever that is), -15%, closely followed by Glasgow with a -12%.
TOMCC NEE are 12th best for 2022.
General Secretary; Keith Pattison
Keith explained what action he has taken for 2022, from supporting the committee, members, rides and events, website, minutes of meetings, merchandise and other any other business.
Treasurers Report; Clive Bell
Clive started by explaining that since taking on the role of treasurer, that not much has changed and would like to thank Graeme Haswell for continuing the role and for Graeme’s support. This is due to powers out of the committee’s control to change the banking. Clive Bell, Mark Lamb and Dave Tate have several times tried to sort the banking out with the bank, resulting in many different actions from the bank with no clear results.
Clive stated the branch figures for 2022
Opening balance £3,669.89
Paid in £3625.23
Sub Total £7,305.12
Paid out £2,856.25
Total at Bank £4,448.87 as of 13/01/2023
Clive stated website fees are due soon and clarified this with Keith Pattison and that we as a branch are in a healthy position.
Ride out coordinators;
Clive Bell set up the Brass Monkeys (or should it be more like the Wet Bandits) with a better attendance than last year. Brass monkey ride have more wet than cold, couple of mishap and flooded roads, but overall, an enjoyable experience from all attending.
Clive mentioned due to a shoulder operation he could be out from the back end of January, not confirmed though.
Ged Tellwright talked about his role as the organiser of the Café Amblers. The Café Amblers rides have averaged 20 riders on each ride, which has turned the Café Amblers into a good breeding ground the end of month rides and the Brass Monkey rides.
Ged talked about the up-and-coming beer and curry night in Gosforth however, not many replies to date. For those who live out of the area, accommodation can be found at the Great North Hotel (formally known as 3-mile Inn). Cat and Ged and others will be staying there to attend the beer and curry night.
Ged talked about the Masham Café Amblers trip. Last year had 11 people and by popular demand Ged has brough this back for 2023. Ged explained people who wish to attend this event, to please contact Ged ASAP for numbers and evening meal bookings. Members can book the Kings head or any other accommodation in Masham themselves.
Ged talked about his role in the setting up of the calendar, in a format that can be downloaded and put up (on the fridge) to help people plan for the year.
Suggestion from Clive Bell to setup a separate WhatsApp group for ride out coordinators (Keith Pattison to action)
⦁ Election of positions
Chairman – Mark Lamb proposed – Clive Bell, Second Vic Stephenson
Membership Secretary – Dave Tate proposed Graeme Haswell, second Graeme Henderson
General Secretary – Keith Pattison proposed – Dave Tate, second Neil Elders
Treasurer – Neil Elders proposed by Dave Tate and many, second – Graeme Haswell
Events/ Ride Coordinators – Clive Bell (Brass Monkey), Ged Tellwright (Café Amblers). Assisted by Graeme Haswell, Graeme Henderson, Dave Tate, Mark Lamb.
Vice Chairman – Dave Tate proposed – Mark Lamb, second Ged Tellwright, Graeme Haswell
Associate/ Merchandise Iain Inglis to help with merchandise.
Graeme Haswell explained we need to have a system to show where branch assets/ merchandise is stored due to items misplaced (now found) asking where do we keep branch assets? Branch merchandise should be held/ sold in conjunction with the treasurer.
⦁ Review 0f 2022
Mark lamb presented a Power Point presentation of a review of 2022 (Scroll down the page to view)
⦁ 2023 Calendar
Ged Tellwright presented the 2023 Calendar. Ged explained this is revised calendar as part of Ged’s role, coordinate a balanced calendar for 2023.
Talking through the calendar, sections highlighted;
Beer and Curry night – Ged sent an email out to all members however not all received the email. Email list to reviewed.
Brass Monkey rides will not have dates or routes published until close to the day. This was explained by Clive Bell as weather plays a big part in where the route for the ride.
Spring camp – Mark Lamb explained that Outdoor Moorhouse Adventure centre was not suitable for our branch Spring camp, it is more for kid’s, a scout camp with dormitories. Mark asked if anyone has a suggestion, preferable South of the region, they should put this forward.
DGR- Ged Tellwright explained there will be news up and coming. Ged has worked with Triumph Newcastle to organise this years DGR. Hoping to confirm a Saturday night venue and an end of DGR venue on the Sunday with a band. Mark Lamb interacted with a good opportunity to canvas more members.
Southern Ireland – Dave Tate in a disappointed manner, said there was little interest with only four members returning an interest. Dave also explained that there is no company that can provide a set trip for Ireland. Dave mentioned only one will do an organised trip however since covid the company cannot get insurance, so it is looking like a no go.
About trips, Iain Inglis asked if there was a way of asking members what they want for a trip. 4-5 nights/ longer, timing when asking members (wrong time of year to ask). Dave Tate added, we have had some years with good interest. A good idea is to get a company to organise the trip, they have the knowledge, experiences to provide the best roads, accommodation.
An alternative put forward by Graeme Haswell, Wales
Ged Tellwright talked about a return to Masham following last year’s success, and members to contact Ged if they are interested.
Solway Sunday will return – Dave Tate and Neil Elders talking about good points on this ride.
Summer Camp – Mark Lamb explained members concerns from last year at Clennel Hall. And if they cannot answer questions or provide actions then we might have to find an alternative. Highlighted the water and toilet facilities. Neil Elder put forward a possible contact near Clennel, a company that might be able to do mates rates on toilet facilities. Mark Lamb talked about having wrist bands at camp to stop non members getting food put on by the branch. Clive Bell mentioned that rooms are expensive for single use.
Branch meetings – Mark Lamb explained, rule of thumb, 1 hour out, 1 hour back and he might try and mix things up, bike related, nothing pinned down.
Mark Lamb asked can we confirm the Glasgow family meet for the calendar, and then it was suggested that this could be a spring camp.
Ged finished off the calendar review with lots to do and think about and look forward to in 2023.
⦁ Any other business
Ian Anderson wanted to say a big thank you to Barbara Callaghan for organising the 2022 Xmas party and all agreed. Babs has put herself forward to organise the 2023 Xmas party, but we need ideas.
Iain Inglis asked what are people’s aspirations for a trip? Was it the wrong time to ask? maybe ask in February. Ged replied if you ask later people already to have made plans. Asked, Do we have smaller groups for trips? if there is 4 people interested can they organise a trip. A reply was, we have a calendar, yes but if you want to organise anything else, then yes and an offer to help was put out.
Tim Hulley explained that the Wirral branch have a fantastic camp, a weekend full, bike show, bands, food, a big thing, could that be an idea for camp?
Ian Anderson asked if there were any training days during branch meets? Mark Lamb responded with various events from previous years, biker down, tyre repair and Fire brigade corning. Fire brigade is not available currently however we think this may be run out of Ponteland Police headquarters. Need investigation.
End of meeting by Mark Lamb