AGM 2025 Minutes

TOMCC NEE BranchGM 2025 Minutes  

Benwell Hill CC

25th January 2025 11:00

List of attendees;  (28)

Mark Lamb; Graeme Haswell; Dave Tate; Iain Inglis,    Clive Bell;

Ali Lamb; Colin Nicholson; Valerie Nicholson; Rob Ayre; Mark Loftus;

Ian Anderson; Sharon Anderson; John Teah; John Knott; Geoff Mayne;

Chris Pearson; Stu McCarthy; Vic Stevenson; Carol Stevenson;

Jim West; Mal Guest; Frank Bell; Fiona Johnson; Richard Johnson;

James Lynch; Tim Hulley; Steve Ibbitson; Keith Amiss; 

Mark Lamb (ML) opens the meeting and explains the agenda.

There continues to be a shortage of members coming forward to arrange either rides or events. He explains why the Club Branch venue had been changed.

He then presented a review of the year month by month picking out the highlights.( presentation can be found on the web page. There are 79 people currently on the WhatsApp group and this continues to be the first line of communication.

Then followed reports from committee members.

Membership. 191 members in total, 46 new members in 2024, 20 of them being female. There had been an unfortunate incident between 2 member and after the committee followed the Club rules it resulted in one of the members being excluded from the Club. Feedback was sought from rides as some of our ride co-ordinaters were not available.

Treasurers Report (can be found on the web page)

The bank account that is currently being used will soon be subject to charges, so, it was agreed to seek an alternative provider and avoid charges.

Webmaster (report available on the web page)

One item discussed was the ability to communicate with members via group email.

The online membership survey had not received many replies (25) Ali Lamb went through the results however due to the low response the results were deemed to be inaccurate.

Sunday and Thursday rides were popular, social events less so. Summer camp was popular however summer tour less so.

2025 events calendar was presented;

Suggested was a social event early March

Attendance at the Scottish M/C show

13th April National Club AGM in Rotheram  

Call for members to come forward to facilitate Cafe riders and Brass Monkey rides.

Race the waves in Bridlington 12-15 June

Last Sunday rides and mid month rides April to September.

There were a lot of entery’s in the calendar that has a not “to be confirmed” beside them and this is probably for the committee to firm up.

Mark described the Club rules also there are some 20 pages that are a Club handbook. Branches are encouraged to do some local and national activity which was discussed as not many members are in favour of doing any national activity.

The Branch structure was shared and an election of Branch officials followed.

All roles went through a process of being proposed and seconded in the room before confirming the position.

Returned were;

Branch Chair Mark Lamb

Vice Chair Vic Stevenson

Membership Vic Stevenson

Treasurer Graham Haswell

General Secretary Clive Bell

Web Master Iain Inglis

Rides Ian Anderson; Mark Loftus; Dave Tate; Clive Bell; John Teah;

Jeff Mayne; Neil Elders;  (Not in attendance Graham Henderson; Dave Harding)

Social Events Ali Lamb Carol Stevenson

Mark Lamb makes closing comments and reminds everyone to come forward if they can contribute in any way. He thanks everyone fore attending and looks forward to the coming season.

Mark Lamb

Clive Bell

Posted in Minutes and Notes.